There’s a popular fiction out there that senior management is an extrovert’s game. The stereotype that comes to mind is the uber-confident executive effortlessly speaking in front of thousands, or skillfully mingling at events with mayors and senators and the like. And there’s some truth to it; an extroverted personality does confer some natural business advantages. But the fact is, introverts can also make excellent executives. Their strengths are less obvious but no less effective.
When I think back now, after a long career, on the hundreds of executives I knew and worked with, there are just a handful who come to mind as universally admired and respected. Oddly enough, they were all quiet individuals who could all easily be considered introverts – and all shared the same constellation of characteristics. They were:
Measured in their responses – Not prone to bursts of temper, but thoughtful in how they sifted through and processed information. They thus avoided a common pitfall of executivedom – going off half cocked with an emotional response when what is needed is a strategic one.
Highly analytical – Expert at finding their way through reams of data quickly and reaching the core of the matter. Though quiet, they were not all indecisive – they just wanted to be sure they’d viewed an issue from all sides.
Good listeners – Being naturally quiet, they let others do most of the talking. But they listened keenly. This brings to mind the first meeting I had fairly early in my career with a brilliant chief investment officer. To help myself prepare, I talked to a colleague about what I should expect. “He doesn’t say too much,” my colleague noted, “but he doesn’t suffer fools very well.” (With that as guidance, I tried hard to be extra well prepared, and less foolish than usual.)
Naturally risk averse – A critical management function is avoiding potentially disastrous risk. (Through mass amnesia, or something like it, a whole generation of managers seemed to forget about this in the years leading up to 2008.) One of those exceptional introverts I worked with was a chief information officer who had our organization readying systems for Y2K many years before it became a national story. We were all completely tired of the project by the time 2000 rolled around, but needless to say there was no drama when the big day came and went.
The voice of reason – Their voice was not the loudest but was often the most listened to. Less tinged with charisma than rationality, it was heeded because people knew they had something reasonable and rational and thoughtful to say… which others respected and wanted to hear.
To be even moderately successful as an introvert in management, you have to be willing to force yourself out of your comfort zone. (I can speak from considerable experience on this.) You have to be willing to make yourself get up and speak in front of lots of people, and run large and contentious meetings, and wade into interpersonal conflict… when your natural inclination might be to go home and read Anna Karenina.
In the end, of course, outstanding leaders come in all shapes and sizes. Some of the inward-looking qualities that make people introverted can also help them make excellent decisions – a key element of what being an effective executive is all about.
via Why Introverts Can Make Excellent Executives – Forbes.
Why Introverts Can Make Excellent Executives