Tuesday, October 22, 2013

3 Questions Top Candidates Ask in Job Interviews

Here at The Build Network, we’re open to criticism. If you dislike what appears in our catalog, on our website, or in our Twitter feed, we want to hear about it. And we want to know how you’d improve it.

Kathy Rapp’s recent recruiting article on Fistfuloftalent.com embodies this spirit of constructive criticism. She critiques a post on Recruiter.com titled “7 Questions Great Candidates Ask” and then offers an improvement, or “3 Questions Freakin’ Awesome Candidates Ask.”

Her questions are tough ones. As an executive, you should prepare to answer them. You don’t want a top candidate thinking her future manager is shy about sharing the organization’s inner details. They are:

1. Why should I leave a job I love to come here?

“This question says, ‘I’m an extremely passive candidate, and you’re going to have to really convince me to even continue in the interview process,’” she writes. “It is also asking for transparency: What’s the real story about your org and this role?”

2. What would my priorities be for the first six to 12 months?

“Your candidate is intrigued. He/she is now looking for detail about what their first year would look like. It’s also a question to test if you (the hiring manager) have really thought through your priorities and expectations of the role. You’d better be able to answer this one–and with more than ‘I want you to build relationships.’ Duh.”

3. What do you tell your mom/spouse/best friend about why you love working here, and what happened on your worst day here?

“OK, so yes, this is two questions in one: It’s the culture question, and it’s also the real question–the one where the candidate wants to see if you can get out of interview mode and get gritty. This is where the candidate not only learns about the culture, but your style and how you handle the good and the bad. It’s probing, shows interest, and indicates they want to know the cool stuff and the not-so-cool stuff about your culture.”

via 3 Questions Top Candidates Ask in Job Interviews | Inc.com.

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3 Questions Top Candidates Ask in Job Interviews