Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Girls? Ladies? Folks?" Here"s A Visual Guide To What You Should Call That Group Of Individuals

I belong to an excellent list serv called the “Tech Lady Mafia.” One of its members, Shawna Hein, 28, a user experience designer from Berkeley, recently expressed annoyance on the list at the widespread use of the word “girls” to describe women long past elementary school age.

“I first started thinking about it when Girl With A Dragon Tattoo came out,” says Hein by phone. “It’s a whole action series where the main character is a bad ass, and yet she’s called a girl. You never see an action hero with boy in his name.”

It’s hard to imagine Robert Downey Jr. signing up to play “Iron Boy.”

Hein, who went to Oberlin with Lena Dunham, says she was equally perplexed by her former classmate using the diminutive term Girls for her successful TV show, and troubled that a series of dinners for women in technology in the Bay area was entitled, “Girl Geek Dinners.”

“Every time I see the word ‘Girl’ used in scenarios that are supposed to empower women, it really grates on me,” she says. “When I saw the launch of ‘Girls Who Code,’ I was pleasantly surprised to discover it was actually aimed at youngsters.”

My own take on the use of “girl” and “boy”: If you’re not talking about a child or a love interest, these terms are best avoided.

Hein is far from the only person thinking about the language people should be using to describe women (and the terms women are using to self-describe). Ann Friedman had a terrific piece in the New Republic on the reclamation of the term “lady.”

But now, “lady” splits the difference between the infantilizing “girl” and the stuffy, Census-bureau cold “woman.” (Both still have their place—just not in the witty conversation that young feminists want to be having.) It’s a way to stylishly signal your gender-awareness, without the stone-faced trappings of the second-wave. It’s a casual synonym for “woman,” a female counterpart to “guy,” commonly used in winking conversation between one in-the-know woman and another. A scan of my phone reveals dozens of text messages that begin, “hey lady.” General David Petraeus’s paramour, Paula Broadwell, reportedly concluded an e-mail to a friend, “GREAT to see you, pretty lady”—a more grown-up way of signing off “xo.”

If your head hurts every time you have to think about how to generically refer to a person based on the presence or absence of the Y chromosome, you’re in luck. For those not immersed in the study of gender semantics, Hein has created a handy guide for which term to use when. Enjoy, um, folks:

via ‘Girls? Ladies? Folks?’ Here’s A Visual Guide To What You Should Call That Group Of Individuals. – Forbes.

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"Girls? Ladies? Folks?" Here"s A Visual Guide To What You Should Call That Group Of Individuals