Monday, October 28, 2013

How Your Vacation Could Make You Quit

Freedom from the office is sweet. Coming back to your cube? Not so much. People are more likely to quit their jobs or start hunting for new roles after returning from a vacation, finds a recent poll from

Sure, no one is thrilled to trade beach chairs for conference rooms. But apart from showing you what life’s like away from the office, a little time off also gives you the chance to assess your professional goals and think clearly about your current gig, explains Mary Ellen Slayter, a career advice expert at It’s difficult to see the big picture when you’re mired in the day-to-day activities of your job.

But should you trust your instinct to bail? If you’re sure your current role is a dead end, absolutely, Slayter says. Start hunting immediately to keep yourself on track—you may not be so motivated once you’ve slipped back into your normal routine. After all, you don’t want to waste another year or two in the wrong job, she warns.

Not so sure? Give yourself a week to re-acclimate. Then consider the 5 signs you’re ready to make a move. If you check more than one or two of those boxes, it’s probably time to start searching.

via How Your Vacation Could Make You Quit | Men’s Health News.

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How Your Vacation Could Make You Quit