Thursday, January 23, 2014

Video Interviewing – Innovative Interview Techniques

Video interviewing has always intrigued me. While the concept made sense to me, I wondered if companies would adopt and administer the technology in the most effective way. I was also curious to see if candidates would be open to the option or if they’d lean toward companies with a more traditional interviewing process. As a recruiter, I was able to utilize video interviewing for my own recruitment efforts and realize the benefits of using this as one of my interview techniques.

It’s easy to see why more companies are investing in video interviewing:

It identifies qualified candidates faster. Video interviews enable recruiters to identify talent earlier in the process, therefore cutting down time spent vetting candidates. Recruiters who are overwhelmed with resumes can develop prerecorded interview questions to send to potential candidates. This helps recruiters broaden their candidate pool without wasting time scheduling lengthy phone interviews. Additionally, this gives candidates with poorly developed resumes a chance to show why they’re qualified.

It increases flexibility. A significant number of candidates are currently employed. Unfortunately, this can make it difficult to coordinate a convenient interview time. Video interviewing gives candidates the option to participate in a prerecorded interview and record their answers on their own time. This enables recruiters to keep candidates in the running while ensuring interviews are done within a reasonable timeframe.

It can cut down costs. Candidates are becoming more mobile. And, companies are realizing that they’re limiting their talent pool by only sourcing from their immediate area. As a result, many companies are interviewing candidates who may live too far to be able to easily interview face-to-face. In lieu of flying candidates to interview on-site, video interviewing is an ideal option to gain the value of interviewing face-to-face without the cost.

It can reduce potential biases. In the beginning stages, interviews are typically done on a one-on-one basis. Consequently, whether a candidate is hired or not can be determined on a single person’s opinion. Video interviews can be saved and documented, allowing multiple members of the hiring team to collaborate on the decision. The ability for multiple people to review a candidate’s responses will help companies make better hiring decisions.

It can kick your talent pool up a notch. It’s one thing to have categorized resumes sitting in your applicant tracking system. It’s another to have documented video interviews tied with those resumes so you can easily and quickly review your candidates. These video interviews add value to your talent pool, bring candidates’ experiences to life and aid recruiters during their search. They enable companies to quickly identify talent that recruiters already established a relationship with before spending money on additional job advertisements and implementing a new recruiting strategy.

It humanizes the process for a better candidate experience. As the number of candidates increase, interview processes become rushed and impersonal. Although phone screens cut down the volume in a timely manner, it still lacks humanistic elements that only a face-to-face interview can provide. Are your candidates dropping out of the interview process early due to disengagement or a poor candidate experience? Video interviewing will do your employment brand justice by creating a better first impression. According to Aberdeen Group, “Video is one of the most powerful talent acquisition tools for improving processes and creating a positive candidate experience.”

Video interviews are on the rise; the number of employers that have implemented this technology increased by 10 percent in the past year. As part of a comprehensive talent acquisition program, video interviewing has time, cost and quality benefits. Video interviewing will create a consistent brand message and provide a positive candidate experience, and help your hiring team make the best hiring decisions.

via Video Interviewing – Innovative Interview Techniques | WilsonHCG Blog.

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Video Interviewing – Innovative Interview Techniques