In many cases, your resume is the first thing a hiring manager sees from your job application. It serves as their first impression of you. Therefore, it is without a doubt that your resume is a large determining factor of whether you’ll get that call for an interview or not. Assuming you meet the job qualifications, the next thing you want to focus on is how your resume is presented.
Your might fill up your resume with all the amazing things you’ve done since you were born, but in actuality it only take six seconds (that’s right, you heard me) for a recruiter to look through your resume. So what exactly are they looking at in those six seconds? Surely that’s not enough time to read through all of your duties from your previous job or the loads of volunteer work you’ve done? Well, you’re right, it isn’t. Check out the video below to find out exactly what recruiters look for when reading your resume. That way you’ll know precisely what to highlight.
As the video suggests, remember to keep your resume concise and make sure that your current and previous work experience, your education, and your name are clearly and logically located on the page.
This Is Exactly How Recruiters Go Through Your Resume In 6 Seconds.
This Is Exactly How Recruiters Go Through Your Resume In 6 Seconds