The eternal task of finding a job has undergone a couple of huge transformations in the past few years. Around the turn of the millenium, Craigslist revolutionized the job hunt by taking a city’s worth of classified sections and condensing them into a single, easy-to-navigate web page. Now job hunting is undergoing another big shift – this time into the world of social media.
A new breed of work searchers – call them ‘social job seekers’ – are utilizing the big social networks in ingenious ways in order to find their dream jobs, and so far they’re having great success. It turns out, the more you use a social network, the more likely you are to find a job through the service: 1 in 4 ‘super social seekers’ successfully network through Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. This infographic from clarifies how you can search for jobs on Facebook and other social media tools.
via How To Search for Jobs on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC].
How To Search for Jobs on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]