Wednesday, December 18, 2013

You Need To Consider Company Culture During The Interview

When thinking about career and job decisions, we know it’s important to factor in company culture. Companies and candidates are finally beginning to realize just how important culture can be.

Culture is the approach to work, the mission of the company, the way people behave, and much more.

Of course, I completely believe that all those things are incredibly important. What I also believe is that even the little things can make a big impact.

This thought was sparked by a recent discussion I had in the Levo League offices about dress code. In my first job, I had to wear slacks, heels, a nice (but never trendy) top, and a blazer to work every day. I felt so “blah” it wasn’t even funny! Honestly, it seems small, but walking out the door every morning not feeling good about what I was wearing made an impact on my day. I definitely didn’t select my next job based on dress code, but when I was in the interview process, I couldn’t help thinking, “Wow, how great would it be to wear what they’re all wearing every day?”

Based on moving from the finance industry to the fashion industry, here are a few other “small” culture-related things that I’ve noticed made a big difference to me (and might to you, too).

Desk/Cubicle Layout

Who would ever think this is something that would matter! My first few years in banking, I had this fake wood and gray cubicle with high walls, which gave a lot of privacy. Then I got moved into a shared office. When I moved industries, everyone’s desk was completely open (read: absolutely no walls) and you could hear and see everything everyone else was doing. While I liked that this promoted collaboration (plus-one for open layout) it also was a lot less private (a minus on some days). Depending on what you prefer, you may feel happier in one layout versus another, so be sure to take a look around when you’re interviewing to do some layout research.

Dress Code

Yup, as stated above, this made a huge difference to me. Do you like to dress very formal or casual? What helps you do your best work? What do you want to be wearing in those 100-degree summer days on the subway? One great part of having a more relaxed dress code was being able to easily go out after work without worrying about stopping home first. It’s a small thing, but it’s made work-life balance a little bit easier, and that was a perk.

Perks in the Office

We all know the Googles of the world will do everything from feeding you to doing your dry cleaning. Not all companies will do those things and that’s okay. However, take a look at the perks as you’re deciding on an offer. Maybe that product discount or free lunch will make every day just a little better for you. It’s all personal, but spend a few minutes thinking about the perks that matter to you (and don’t place any weight on the ones that really don’t).

The Hours

We all know we’re going to have to work very hard in whatever job we choose. I definitely wouldn’t say you should choose the job that has the least hours of work. However, there are a few small things related to the time you put in at work that you should pay attention to.

Are you able to work remotely when it’s necessary, or will you always need to be in the office? Are you staying late just for “face time” or because it will make an impact? Are the hours fixed or flexible? One of my jobs was very flexible in terms of leaving the office for a few hours. I never took advantage of this privilege in an irresponsible way, but if I had an important errand, it was good to know I could go take care of it without it being looked down upon.

The “Vibe”

I know it’s ambiguous, but I don’t have a better way to describe this attribute. Essentially, you want to pay attention to the overall energy as you spend time in the office in the interview process. Is it upbeat? Is it serious? Is it silly? There’s no “right vibe” for all companies across the board, but there is a “right vibe” for you personally. Think about what type of energy your personality would contribute to the most.

Hopefully this will inspire you to look at “the little things” about company culture and not just the big ones. Sometimes, the smallest things can make the biggest impact.

via You Need To Consider Company Culture During The Interview – Business Insider.

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You Need To Consider Company Culture During The Interview