Thursday, November 14, 2013

LinkedIn Drives More Traffic to Corporate Websites than others

The first Investis IQ Audience Insight Report published this month, tracked visitors to corporate websites from social media platforms. The research found that LinkedIn drives significantly more traffic to corporate websites than all the other social platforms combined.

According to the survey LinkedIn accounts for nearly two thirds, 64%, of all visits to corporate websites from social media sites and this is steadily increasing.

Twitter is also gaining in influence, up from 4% in 2011 to 14% today, which reflects the increase in the number of companies adopting Twitter for corporate communications.

Facebook’s share by contrast has decreased by nearly fifty percent in two years, 30% to 17%, and the findings may indicate that Facebook is a declining platform for B2B corporate marketing.

Visits from Flickr, YouTube, Google+ and SlideShare are all negligible currently. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are responsible for 95% of visits to corporate websites from social media sites. It will be interesting to see how this changes going forward with the growth in Google Plus.

In summary, there has never been a better time to focus on your LinkedIn marketing, this previous Social Media Today article sets out 9 ways to improve your LinkedIn marketing.

The report also found that 20% of all traffic to corporate websites came from mobile devices. However, less than a quarter of companies (23%) provide either a dedicated mobile site or a responsive website. There is clearly a lot more for corporate websites to do.

via LinkedIn and Website Traffic | Social Media Today.

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LinkedIn Drives More Traffic to Corporate Websites than others