Friday, November 22, 2013

How Linkedin Hires Internally

“You probably want to know if we eat at our own restaurant,” says LinkedIn LNKD -0.16% Chief Executive Jeff Weiner, with a smile. Tapping into LinkedIn’s databases has become second nature for big companies battling for talent. Organizations as diverse as Dell DELL +0.22% and National Public Radio use LinkedIn’s most expensive search tools to widen and accelerate their hunts.

So what about LinkedIn itself? Weiner runs a fast-growing operation–revenue was up 59% last quarter–and constantly needs more engineers, salespeople and corporate managers. Sure enough, LinkedIn’s own recruiters have a lot to teach others through their incessant and highly demanding use of house products, constantly testing new features in search of more powerful results.

Start with something as fundamental as where to look. LinkedIn’s databases can generate heat maps of the U.S., showing local variations between job listings and available talent for specific industries. So while LinkedIn still does much of its software engineer hiring in the obvious places such as Silicon Valley, Seattle and New York City, it is alert to “hidden gem” markets such as the Washington, D.C. metro area and Dallas/Fort Worth, where the supply and demand of engineering talent are in better balance.

To catch candidates’ attention, LinkedIn’s first moves are disarmingly low-key. Anyone who happens to glance at a LinkedIn employee’s profile is likely to see a nearby ad or piece of sponsored content from LinkedIn sharing a bit of itself. The goal is to induce these site-surfers to “follow” LinkedIn’s company page. Once that happens it’s easier to aim job ads or more content at them. Such digital serenades are known as “adding warmth.” In a recent hunt for systems-infrastructure engineers, Weiner’s team discovered that more than 35% of leading prospects were people who were already digitally acquainted with LinkedIn. That’s no accident. Three years ago LinkedIn had fewer than 50,000 followers; today it has more than 550,000.

Another lesson learned the hard way: Just because you can create a fussy list of criteria for candidates doesn’t mean you should. When LinkedIn hunted for its first data-center manager, the company’s own site originally found only seven identifiable people on Earth who met all conditions. Brendan Browne, the company’s director of global talent acquisition, warned that it could take 18 months to pry anyone from a current job.

So LinkedIn loosened up. It lopped off four dubious requirements, such as insisting that candidates have spent at least three years in their current jobs. Voilà!–126 candidates. Within a few months the job was filled. “We don’t need eight to ten years of people doing x,” says Weiner. “In fact, we may not want someone who has spent too much time working in a large-company culture.” Instead, LinkedIn needs agility and speed.

Even in data-rich LinkedIn, Weiner emphasizes intangibles that don’t show up on a résumé–qualities such as leadership, resourcefulness and humor. When he interviews candidates face-to-face, he often asks how they want to see their career in 20 to 30 years, to discern who is well-aligned with LinkedIn’s culture. “It’s a lot like M&A. People sometimes get too caught up in getting the deal done, when maybe they shouldn’t be doing the deal at all,” Weiner says. Unlike a lot of Web 2.0 firms, LinkedIn is a haven for disciplined planners. Managers create detailed road maps–and stick to them. For constant improvisers, there’s always Twitter.

via Backstage At LinkedIn’s Talent Cafe: How Do You Guys Hire? – Forbes.

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How Linkedin Hires Internally